ResourcesContent TipsEssential Mobile Apps for Content Marketing

Essential Mobile Apps for Content Marketing

In this blog post we talk about content marketing apps with recommendations for marketers and also writers to download. Read on to discover apps for content marketing that will help you to work more efficiently and produce better results!

At Content Hero, we write one heck of a lot. We are, after all, a content writing agency.

The bulk of our finalised work is pushed out on a desktop computer with a good old fashioned mechanical keyboard (the rather splendid  Das Model S Ulimtate, no less), but like many businesses, we have found that on the move smartphones and tablet computers are invaluable tools. The ability to research, plan, write, edit and categorise work whilst out for lunch, on the train or the humble park bench is fantastic, and we reckon all modern marketers should be using this to their full advantage.

Whether your mobile device runs Android, BB10, iOS or Windows Phone, there are mobile apps available to download which can help you to write and market your content efficiently on the move.

Here’s 16 mobile applications to fuel your content strategy. We’ve broken them down in to writing, publishing, social media, analytics and file storage categories.

Writing apps

These apps will help you to write content more efficiently on the move.

Editorial – iTunes.

Editorial App

Every writer needs a good plain text editor on their iPad. Plain text editors are awesome because they include no dodgy formatting, and so when it comes to copy and pasting your work in to a WYSIWYG editor, it won’t look scrambled.

Editor is an excellent iPad only application that’s easy to use. It features lots of workflow actions and compatibility with Python modules.

Evernote – iTunes, Play Store, Windows Phone.

Evernote app

Evernote is a wonderful note taking application which is cross-device compatible. It’s available on all Android devices, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone and also as an app in Windows 8. For content writers and content marketers, it is wonderful because it’s a simple app to use and extremely efficient to write in to.

Once you’re done, simply share what you’ve written or email it to yourself. – iTunes, Play Store.

Dictionary App is an invaluable mobile app which boasts access to an offline dictionary and thesaurus.

This app was recently updated to reflect the new design of iOS 7, and it is extremely easy to use. For anybody who writes content, is ideal for quickly checking the spelling of those tricky words.

Publishing apps

These apps will help you to publish your content on blogging platforms.

Blogsy – iTunes.

Blogsy is a third party blogging application that’s compatible with Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, MovableType, Drupal and Tumblr. It is extremely well designed and allows the user to drag and drop images and video from sites such as Flickr, Instagram, Vimeo and YouTube on to their back end. iPad compatible only.

WordPress – BB10, iTunes, Play Store, Windows Phone.

The WordPress app is a vital download for any blogger or webmaster, so long as your blog runs on the WordPress CMS. This app allows you to moderate your posts, pages, comments, view statistics, and upload quick photographs and video.

Tumblr – iTunes, Play Store.

The happy medium of social blogging, Tumblr is used by some of the biggest brands in the world and is a fantastic 100% free way to show off your company’s creative side. This app is available on all major mobile platforms (minus BB10) and is simple to use and will allow you to upload new Tumblr posts with ease.

Social media apps

These apps will help you to promote and manage the promotion of content on social media.

Facebook Pages Manager – iTunes, Play Store.

If you’re business or brand doesn’t have its own Facebook page, it really should. Facebook is excellent for business and the dedicated official Facebook Pages Manager app helps to separate your personal life from your professional life. It’s a standalone application that’s ideal for content marketing on FB.

Pinterest – iTunes, Play Store.

Pinterest is the fastest growing social network in the world and it’s ideal for sharing images within the content that you publish online. As well as this, Pinterest also launched Rich Pins recently, which bring pins to life with the ability for users to include prices and places to shop for what is in an image.

Instagram – iTunes, Play Store.

Instagram is a very interesting platform for content marketing. It allows users to upload photo’s with a filter on them. There are several global brands currently using it and it can be directly linked with Facebook, who own it. Combine this with Statigram in our analytics list below for maximum effect.

Analytics apps

These apps will help you to analyse the effectiveness of your content strategy.

Analytiks – iTunes.

Analytiks is a fantastic website analytics app available on iPhone and iPad. It offers up the same data as the official Google Analytics app, albeit in a more visual and interactive way. It has a wonderful design and although it costs £1.99 we recommend it as the best analytics app on iOS.

Google Analytics – Play Store.

The official Google Analytics app offers up the same information as the web application but on a slightly smaller scale. It’s well laid out and it makes it easy to view progress and keep tabs on your most popular content.

Statigram – official site.

Statigram is the best Instagram analytics service – many businesses don’t bother with Instagram as a content marketing platform because of the lack of good analytics. Statigram changes this. The web-based application offers up vital metrics for business including the total number of likes received and your most liked photos.

File storage apps

These apps will help you to share content and access it from anywhere.

Google Drive – iTunes, Play Store.

Google Drive is Content Heroes favourite cloud storage solution due to not only its seamless interface, but its tight integration with Google Docs. You can create new documents right in Google Drive and categorise work in to new folders.

Dropbox – iTunes, Play StoreWindows Phone.

Dropbox is an excellent cloud storage solution which could be ideal for small content writing teams who need somewhere to store work where it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. The service benefits from not only wonderful apps, but a tidy web program. – iTunes, Play store, Windows Phone. is a direct alternative to Dropbox. It offers up a just as good level of service and the types of file you can store are just as vast. It offers 10 GB of free cloud storage versus only 2 GB on Dropbox, so it may be a better service for bargain hunters.

There are lots of other content marketing apps out there that have not made our list here today – in fact, we’ve probably missed some really great ones. If that’s the case, be sure to shout at us on Twitter @content_hero. If you would like a new app to make this list, then get in touch with us and we’ll see what we can do… if it’s good and a direct replacement for any of the above apps, we will consider replacing them.

Do you regularly find yourself using a mobile application in your content writing and marketing efforts? What is it? Share your favourite apps by commenting below or tweet us @content_hero.

Jakk Ogden is the founder and CEO of Content Hero with over a decade of experience producing high-ranking, high-worth content.