ResourcesContent TipsRead these 3 Content Marketing Posts, you will. Enlightened, you will Become.

Read these 3 Content Marketing Posts, you will. Enlightened, you will Become.

We write content, we curate content, we market content. Somewhere in there is our spare time, and we spend it scouring the internet for long lost content marketing posts – or indeed fresh ones – which tickle our fancy.

This week, it’s been rather special. Collectively our team are subscribed to over 150 business, marketing, blogging and social media websites which produce stories every day, every other day or weekly. For some reason, our email inbox and indeed our smartphones have been blasted with content writing that seems to have been sent down by the God of Amazing during the past 7 days, so rather than keep these posts locked up in our minds to ponder, we thought we’d share them with you.

So, here we go! Oh, and remember, if you have found any amazing blog posts and articles lately which really sparked your interest, let us know through Twitter @content_hero.

Note: Our blog post title is supposed to be structured as it is. Ever seen Star Wars?

How to Immediately Become a More Productive (and Better) Writer from Copyblogger

If you do not read Copyblogger, you should. Yes the entity that is Copyblogger is a money making machine with their marketing courses and software, but their blog certainly makes use of the Freedom of Speech Act, making it an enthralling read for any content marketer out there.

This week, their blog post entitled “How to Immediately Become a More Productive (and Better) Writer” caught my attention.

The topic is very interesting for sure, but it was actually the scannable content that made me stick around as well as the use of italics to accentuate meaning.

Read that post for hot tips on being a better writer. Any post that recommends you buy shower markers deserves your attention.

Beef up your Content Marketing with a Content Pyramid Approach from CMS Wire

There are many stages to a successful content marketing strategy, not least content curation, the process of sharing and / or distributing other peoples articles online. This post could be classed as content curation, and CMS Wire has gone further in to this topic at their blog post linked above, basing their topic on a content marketing pyramid.

The post breaks down the stages of content marketing: print books, eBooks and white papers, infographics and presentations, short form blog posts and web content, curated content. It’s an interesting read, and a good spin on a regular topic.

Why you’re Failing at Content Marketing from iMedia Connection

When this article landed in the teams inbox, we were hesitant to click. Were we going to discover a deep dark truth to content marketing that we never knew? Was it going to rant on about bad content marketing practice? After much deliberation, we clicked through, and were pleasantly surprised with the articles direction.

iMedia Connection talk about content organisation offering a real-world example of what can happen when content is not managed effectively. Of course, we know that content organisation is essential to any marketing strategy, but one company did not. Find out what happened to them by heading on over to the force, ahem, source.

Jakk Ogden is the founder and CEO of Content Hero with over a decade of experience producing high-ranking, high-worth content.